The Importance of Website Developers in Cross-Platform Compatibility

software developer

The Importance of Website Developers in Cross-Platform Compatibility

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to succeed. A website acts as the face of a company, providing information and engaging with customers. However, with the rise of different devices and platforms, ensuring that a website functions seamlessly across all platforms has become a significant challenge. This is where website developers who specialize in cross-platform compatibility come into play. In this article, we will explore the importance of website developers in cross-platform compatibility and discuss frequently asked questions related to this topic.

What is Cross-Platform Compatibility?

Cross-platform compatibility refers to the ability of a website to function and display correctly on various devices and platforms, such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, regardless of the operating system or browser being used. It involves creating a website that adapts to different screen sizes, resolutions, and input methods, providing an optimal user experience across all platforms.

Why is Cross-Platform Compatibility Important?

1. Wider Reach: With the growing number of devices and platforms, ensuring cross-platform compatibility allows businesses to reach a larger audience. By making a website accessible and functional on multiple devices, businesses can engage with potential customers who use different platforms, thereby increasing their reach and potential customer base.

2. Enhanced User Experience: User experience plays a vital role in the success of a website. If a website is not optimized for a particular platform, users may encounter issues such as distorted layouts, broken functionalities, or slow loading times. This can lead to frustration and a negative perception of the brand. A website developer specialized in cross-platform compatibility ensures that the website provides a seamless and intuitive user experience regardless of the device or platform used, resulting in increased user satisfaction and engagement.

3. Improved SEO Performance: Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for a website to rank higher in search engine results. Google and other search engines consider mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. A website that is not cross-platform compatible may experience lower search engine rankings, resulting in decreased visibility and organic traffic. Website developers who understand cross-platform compatibility can optimize a website for search engines, ensuring better visibility and improved SEO performance.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Developing and maintaining separate websites or applications for different platforms can be a costly affair. Cross-platform compatibility allows businesses to save time, effort, and resources by having a single website that works across all platforms. This eliminates the need for multiple development processes and reduces the overall development and maintenance costs.

5. Future-Proofing: Technology is constantly evolving, and new devices and platforms are regularly introduced into the market. Website developers specialized in cross-platform compatibility stay updated with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring that websites remain compatible with future platforms. This future-proofing approach ensures that businesses can adapt and remain relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Can’t I just use responsive design to achieve cross-platform compatibility?

A1. While responsive design is an important aspect of cross-platform compatibility, it alone may not be sufficient. Responsive design focuses on adapting the layout and content of a website to different screen sizes. However, cross-platform compatibility involves more than just responsiveness. It includes considerations such as optimizing performance, user interface, and functionality specific to different platforms.

Q2. How do website developers ensure cross-platform compatibility?

A2. Website developers specialized in cross-platform compatibility employ various techniques and strategies. They leverage responsive design principles, use flexible layouts, optimize images and media, test websites on different devices and platforms, and ensure compatibility with various browsers and operating systems. They also keep up with industry standards and best practices to ensure the highest level of compatibility.

Q3. Is cross-platform compatibility only important for e-commerce websites?

A3. No, cross-platform compatibility is essential for all types of websites, regardless of their purpose. Whether it is an e-commerce website, a corporate website, a blog, or a portfolio website, ensuring cross-platform compatibility is crucial to provide a seamless user experience and reach a wider audience.

Q4. Can I achieve cross-platform compatibility without a website developer?

A4. While there are tools and platforms available that claim to simplify cross-platform compatibility, achieving optimal results without the expertise of a website developer can be challenging. Website developers bring a deep understanding of different platforms, technologies, and user behaviors, allowing them to create customized solutions that cater to specific business needs.

In conclusion, website developers specialized in cross-platform compatibility play a vital role in ensuring that websites function seamlessly across various devices and platforms. By focusing on wider reach, enhanced user experience, improved SEO performance, cost-effectiveness, and future-proofing, these developers help businesses stay relevant and competitive in the digital landscape. Investing in cross-platform compatibility is essential for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence and engage effectively with their target audience.

Web Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

Web Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, so too do the trends in web design. With the start of a new year, it’s important for businesses and web designers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques to ensure their websites are visually appealing, user-friendly, and engaging. In this article, we will explore the top web design trends to watch out for in 2023.

1. Dark Mode:
Dark mode has gained immense popularity over the past year and is expected to continue to dominate in 2023. Dark mode not only adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to a website, but it also reduces eye strain, especially when browsing at night. Many popular websites and applications, including Instagram and Twitter, have already adopted this trend. Implementing dark mode on your website can provide a sleek and modern look while improving user experience.

2. Neumorphism:
Neumorphism, also known as soft UI, is a design trend that combines minimalism and skeuomorphism. It involves creating a three-dimensional appearance by using subtle shadows and highlights. Neumorphism gives websites a tactile and realistic feel, making them visually appealing and user-friendly. This trend is expected to gain popularity in 2023 as it adds depth and dimension to the design, enhancing the overall user experience.

3. Minimalistic Design:
Minimalistic design has been a popular trend for several years, and it shows no signs of slowing down in 2023. This design approach focuses on simplicity, using clean lines, ample white space, and minimal elements to convey a clear message. Minimalistic designs load faster, are easier to navigate, and create a sense of calmness and sophistication. By reducing clutter and unnecessary elements, websites can deliver a seamless user experience.

4. Microinteractions:
Microinteractions are subtle animations or feedback that occur in response to user actions. They add a touch of interactivity and enhance the user experience. Whether it’s a button changing color when hovered over, a loading spinner, or a notification sound, microinteractions provide instant feedback and engage users. In 2023, expect to see more websites incorporating microinteractions to make interactions more intuitive and enjoyable.

5. Bold Colors and Gradients:
Gone are the days of muted color palettes. In 2023, bold and vibrant colors are expected to dominate web design. Websites are using vivid gradients and contrasting color combinations to create eye-catching visuals and evoke emotions. Bold colors help brands stand out from the competition and create a memorable impression. Incorporating striking color schemes can add personality and excitement to your website.

6. Asymmetry and Broken Grids:
Breaking away from the traditional grid-based layout, asymmetry and broken grids are becoming increasingly popular in web design. This trend allows for more creativity and uniqueness in website layouts. Asymmetrical designs create dynamic and visually interesting compositions, grabbing users’ attention and making the website memorable. However, it is important to maintain balance and ensure that the design remains user-friendly and easy to navigate.

7. Voice User Interface (VUI):
With the rise of voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa, voice user interfaces (VUI) are becoming more prevalent in web design. VUI allows users to interact with websites using voice commands, providing a hands-free and convenient experience. Integrating VUI into your website can enhance accessibility and cater to a wider range of users. In 2023, expect to see more websites incorporating voice commands and voice search functionality.


Q: What is the importance of staying updated with web design trends?
A: Staying updated with web design trends is crucial for businesses and web designers to stay competitive in the digital landscape. By incorporating the latest trends, websites can provide a modern and engaging user experience, improve conversion rates, and enhance brand perception.

Q: How can dark mode benefit my website?
A: Dark mode not only adds a sleek and modern look to your website but also reduces eye strain, especially during nighttime browsing. It can improve user experience and make your website stand out from the crowd.

Q: Are minimalistic designs suitable for all types of websites?
A: While minimalistic designs work well for most websites, it’s important to consider the nature of your business and target audience. Some industries, such as creative agencies, may benefit more from a bold and vibrant design, while others, such as financial institutions, may require a more professional and conservative approach.

Q: How can I incorporate microinteractions into my website?
A: Microinteractions can be added to your website through subtle animations, hover effects, loading spinners, or sound notifications. However, it’s important to use them sparingly and purposefully to avoid overwhelming the user.

Q: Is it necessary to follow all the web design trends?
A: While it’s important to stay updated with the latest trends, not all trends may be suitable for every website. It’s essential to consider your brand identity, target audience, and overall user experience before incorporating any trend into your design.

In conclusion, web design trends in 2023 are focused on enhancing user experience, incorporating interactivity, and creating visually striking designs. It’s important for businesses and web designers to stay informed about these trends and adapt them to their websites accordingly. By incorporating the latest design trends, websites can stay relevant, engage users, and leave a lasting impression.

The Importance of Responsive Web Design

FXEXPORTS Website Portfolio

The Importance of Responsive Web Design

In today’s digital age, having a responsive web design is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, more and more people are accessing the internet on these devices. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your website is responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes and resolutions. This article will explore the importance of responsive web design and provide answers to frequently asked questions.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design is an approach to web design that aims to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. It involves creating a website that automatically adjusts its layout, content, and images to fit different screen sizes and resolutions. This ensures that users can easily navigate and interact with the website, regardless of the device they are using.

Why is Responsive Web Design Important?

1. Enhanced User Experience: A responsive website provides an improved user experience by adapting to the user’s device and screen size. It ensures that the website is easy to read, navigate, and interact with, regardless of whether the user is on a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. This results in increased user satisfaction and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and lower bounce rates.

2. Increased Mobile Traffic: With the rise of smartphones and tablets, mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic in recent years. If your website is not responsive, it may appear distorted or difficult to navigate on mobile devices, causing users to leave and look for alternatives. By having a responsive website, you can capture and retain the growing mobile audience, ensuring that your website remains accessible and user-friendly on all devices.

3. Improved SEO Performance: Search engines, such as Google, consider mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. Websites that are responsive and mobile-friendly are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By investing in responsive web design, you can improve your website’s visibility and reach to attract more organic traffic from search engines.

4. Cost and Time Efficiency: In the past, businesses had to create separate versions of their website for desktop and mobile devices. This required additional time, effort, and resources for designing, developing, and maintaining multiple websites. With responsive web design, you can have a single website that automatically adjusts to different devices, eliminating the need for separate versions. This saves time and costs associated with managing multiple websites.

5. Future-Proofing: Technology is constantly evolving, and new devices with different screen sizes and resolutions are regularly introduced to the market. By embracing responsive web design, you future-proof your website, ensuring that it remains accessible and user-friendly on future devices. This saves you from the hassle of redesigning and rebuilding your website every time a new device is released.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. How does responsive web design work?

A1. Responsive web design uses a combination of flexible grids, CSS media queries, and fluid images to automatically adapt the layout and content of a website based on the user’s device and screen size. This ensures that the website looks and functions optimally on all devices.

Q2. Can I make my existing website responsive?

A2. Yes, it is possible to make an existing website responsive. However, it may require significant redesign and development work, depending on the complexity of the website. It is often more efficient to plan for responsive design from the beginning or consider a website redesign.

Q3. How does responsive web design impact website loading speed?

A3. Responsive web design does not significantly impact website loading speed if implemented correctly. However, it is important to optimize images and code to ensure fast loading times, especially on mobile devices with slower internet connections.

Q4. Is responsive web design suitable for all types of websites?

A4. Yes, responsive web design is suitable for all types of websites, including e-commerce, blogs, portfolios, and corporate websites. It ensures that your website is accessible and user-friendly across all devices, regardless of your industry or website’s purpose.

Q5. How can I test if my website is responsive?

A5. There are various tools available to test the responsiveness of your website, such as Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, which provides insights into how your website appears and performs on different devices.

In conclusion, responsive web design plays a vital role in ensuring that your website is accessible, user-friendly, and future-proof. With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a responsive website is no longer optional but a necessity. By investing in responsive web design, you can provide an enhanced user experience, increase mobile traffic, improve SEO performance, save costs and time, and future-proof your website. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to make your website responsive and stay ahead in the digital landscape.

Best Ways to Boost Ecommerce Sales Fasts

So you have a well-designed ecommerce store with all appropriate tools like website and others, and you have lauched it. Launching an ecommerce store is just a first part of developing a successful online business. Now look forward…

Your results have not been very successful so far due to some reasons. As businesses have ups and downs by nature. All of this happens, but don’t lose confidence in business.

If you’re having trouble thinking of ways to get rise in customers range and to raise ecommerce sales, we will provide you some tactics to boost your ecommerce sales and to generate a big revenue. Let’s have a look…

  1. ChatBots

Using chatbots is the way of online business in current and upcoming days (future). The worldwide chatbot industry has hit a huge 24.3% development over the last year, and 45% of consumers favor chatbots to human workers. Chatbots turn online purchases fast and convenient. When a client wants to support, they expect to see things finished quickly. Getting a chatbot or live chat accessibly is important for businesses to gain new consumers and improve conversions. Learn all about chatbot technologies from Dmware

2. Implement a solid email marketing strategy

The obvious next step in creating a mailing list is to make it an integral part of your marketing strategy.

You can choose to send the same weekly newsletter to all your subscribers, but that information isn’t very relevant to all your viewers, so it’s not the best way to get the most out of your list.

Instead, segment your audience according to your behavior. What type of product did your audience buy from you? What are their preferences regarding receiving email promotions from you?

You can use the mailing list provider to implement these personalizations and more. For example, if you want your visitors to confirm your subscription, you can add a checkbox option to understand the following:

  1. Products or services that they need from your shop
  2. The type of promotion they want to hear
  3. How they heard about your store

Segmenting your subscriber list allows you to send more relevant newsletters and promotions to each person. With personalization, your viewers are more likely to get involved with your brand and continue to subscribe.

3. Upsell your customers

If a visitor buys an item to their cart, they can cheer & celebrate. Or you can try to upsell them something else.

Sellers aim to get the most of profit from upsells and updates. If you don’t adopt this tactic, you’ll be losing a massive return.

It is 5 times easier to sell current customers than gain new ones. Upselling is a simple way to profit from the current customers.

One of the best ways to increase the price is to insert a popup to get feel of expensive item while the visitor is adding a product to the cart.

4. Optimize your store for mobile

Customers love to do shopping on their cell phones, and that tendency is growing. Statista estimates that mobile will generate 44.7% of US e-commerce revenue in 2019, compared to 39.6% in 2018.

But while people are shopping on mobile, you may be surprised to find that they aren’t buying! Last year’s desktop conversion rate was 3.91%, while the mobile conversion rate was 1.61%. Uh ah! So what exactly does this mean?

E-commerce store visitors shop using mobile devices, but not enough stores offer a conversion-optimized, friction-free mobile experience. As a result, many sales opportunities are lost.

If you need more sales, make your website user-friendly on all platforms. Don’t forget to optimize your popup for mobile.

5. Use SEO plugins

Optimizing your e-commerce store for search engines will increase organic traffic, especially if you can rank Google’s first page with certain keywords.

And who loves free traffic?

If you want to escape the mention of SEO, I understand it — SEO is a beast that works on its own.

However, e-commerce store SEO isn’t too time-consuming, and this whole can easily be simplified by just adding some plugins. There you will find some paid and a few free, but in the end, most of these plugins are reasonably priced, and when you get the most out of them, you get a good ROI.

Think of it this way. You can save on paid promotions every time someone visits your website with Organic Search.

If you’re a complete beginner and need guidance, there are detailed articles to help you step-by-step optimize your Shopify store for SEO.

6. Accept different payment options

You need to provide different payment options for goods and services.

Just accepting Visa and MasterCard would set apart a number of potential customers.Make sure, Site can also accept debit cards with credit cards.

Other alternatives such as Apple Pay are rising in popularity. Customers can conveniently pay for products via Apple Pay by only a few taps on the mobile application.

Making checkout as easy as possible would lead to more ecommerce sales.

7. Display your social proof

If you don’t use reviews, you’ll lose most of your potential income. One easy way to leverage social proof is to add a rating to your product. Be sure to encourage buyers to leave reviews. Otherwise, buyers may not consider doing their studies.

Another way to create your social evidence is to reach out to your most loyal customers (repeat customers). Customer feedback is not always a particular product. Customer testimonials are important across the brand, and promote the overall shopping experience.

Get an introductory text on the mailing list. You will find the most loyal customers here. When you have your testimonies, upload them to your landing page. Your real name and picture will help visitors perceive you as a natural person.

Why put efforts in growing your eCommerce Sales:

When purchasing a product, do you think of shopping at an online shop or heading to a physical store? Many customers would prefer to shop it online rather than physically entering the store. In reality, Consumers increasingly depend on e-commerce. Statistics show around 95% of sales are expected to be made online by 2040. Statista evaluated a boost in eCommerce sales; let’s view Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2023. The enormous developments in eCommerce business sales would urge us to put efforts into growing our eCommerce business. The only step is to consult Socialo Marketing Experts; they will assist you in numerous ways to take your eCommerce business to the next level to compete in the online business market.

Importance of design in Marketing for your business

In supporting the value of content marketing, we sometimes ignore the real meaning of design for heading our business marketing purposes. If we had to look at their top goals for the recent year 2020, we would see stuff like optimizing ROI and increasing revenue, but lacking the importance of designing in the business’s marketing. This Designing is a vital role to play in achieving some favorable results.

Several companies attempt to design their brand image as they are still at their early stages. They go on with their limited resources for designing rather than hiring a dedicated team of professionals. While creating the website yourself can reduce costs, it is much easier to have an agency like Socialoinvolved to build an attractive online presence and protect your company from some of the risks of bad designing that impact your marketing. Socialodesigners are very creative and will deliver you a smooth experience of your brand.

Why Designing is Important in Marketing for your business  

Here are three explanations why design is important to marketing. If you plan to appoint a design company, there are few aspects to note.

Establish Brand Identity, Look, and Feel

When you imagine well-established brands, you will easily visualize their icons, color schemes, and fonts. This is not something that only works on luck; a ton goes into designing the ideal logo, selecting the best color scheme, and making the ideal font choices for graphic design. 

Psychological research has been conducted to assess how people interpret certain colors, and advertisers leverage those studies for their marketing by conveying services and different kinds of messages. Colors may express feelings of excitement and sadness, enhance the desire, or make feelings of peace & love, warmth, and coolness. To denote that a product or service is premium, it is common for brands to use prominent colors like black, gold, and silver.

In addition to the matching color scheme and font, a lot of effort creates the ideal design layout. Choosing the proper typefaces, sizes, and designing styles are important in creating the brand identity. All about the font is considered, such as the point size, weight, kerning, leading, feeling/style, etc. The font choices you create represent your business, much like the clothing you wear at a formal meeting. Some fonts are more suitable for business suits, and some are not.

Optimize the Visibility of Your Campaigns

Having so many online rivals, the more the great design separates you from the rest of the crowd. If the design fails absolutely, you have no hope of being considered (or taken seriously).

As people, we need to habituate and learn new things, even though they’re not fun. If we noticed every little something, there’d be an overloading of info. Make sure the product looks good to the target audience so that they can remember it better.

However, gaining the targeted person’s focus is only one move. It would help if you held your persona’s focus, and soulful design lets you achieve that.

Have you ever seen and clicked targeted advertising on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media? If the art style looks nice and the subject is important to us, we are urged to click. When the picture, design, or subject is unrelated or uninteresting, I’ll usually keep scrolling.

Drive Conversion and Ultimately ROI

The great design would help boost your marketing efforts, and it even allows your messages or products more memorable. Using the right design will maximize conversions and bring new buyers. It has been shown that images will help improve empathy. People feel a greater connection to photos of other people.

Pictures of women, children, and beautiful people have been shown to increase visual interaction rates, and photos of products may also increase confidence (e.g., detailed product images). Integrated with conversion opportunities, well designed & relevant photos will improve your deals and ultimately more buyers.

Top 4 Reasons Why to Redesign your Website

In the digital marketing industry’s revolutionary age, having an outdated website might have negative impacts on your business. Two commonly asked questions of companies that consult us are, “Do we need to redesign our website to compete or rank higher?”” If we suggest them to redesign, then another question is, “Why our website needs to be redesigned? Did it accomplish its purpose??”

By redesigning your website, it can get back in the digital marketplace with advance competitive capabilities. There are many reasons a website should be redesigned, several more convincing than the others. To boost the effectiveness of your website while rebuilding it, here are few questions that will be the reasons to redesign your website

Is your website user friendly?

User experience, or UX, is a vital aspect of your website. It is how they feel when visiting your website and what are their thoughts after leaving this site. Did they discover whatever thing they were searching for? Would it encourage them to come back? Is the navigation easy? Did it sound like a great service provider? For an even optimized user experience, you just want all of those questions to have a final yes.

For new customers, when they visit your website, it might be their first experience with your business, and you want them to have an image of who you are and what your services are. You can create a successful first impression by attractively showing your business information.

Is your website mobile friendly?

With almost 67 percent of visitors are mobile users, it is essential that your website be mobile-friendly (having compatibility with mobile devices). If your site provides two different interfaces between desktop and smartphone, the experience can be problematic. E.g., The website interface is not fitted into the mobile device’s screen size. Visitors might be using various phone devices, including an iPad, iPhone, Smartphone, Samsung note, etc. It is no longer appropriate for the business site to be outstanding and engaging to just the desktop customers. Mobile-first site architecture plays into search engine results, which could keep individual visitors from turning to your high-value customers.

How successful is your website relative to your competitors?

All the businesses have rivals, but your website can do anything distinctive that sets you apart from the others. Consider the factors that distinguish you from the competitors—are you using these particular selling points services on your website? If not, do so. Demonstrating out your unique selling proposition (USP) allows you a standout from the rest of the bunch.

Set aside some time to recognize the common features your rivals had. This is a fantastic way for you to develop your experience and skills. E.g., if they utilize any of their website tools, do some analysis, create a strategy, and then build on the ideas obtained by making their website resources.

Is the information easy for users to find?

The website layout has to be simple in look, quick to access, and fun to browse. A visitor should be able to access the site as quickly as a person who has been browsing the site daily. The navigation should have the main job of making information stuff simple to navigate. You can be swift when it comes to fetching the audience’s attention or introducing your business or commodity. Highlight the most important and valuable pages in the primary navigation and hide pages that provide more comprehensive details in the additional navigation. Here, the trick is to be good at spotting the gap between your main and secondary pages. It is necessary to review each site page carefully when redesigning the website.

Redesigning a website interface doesn’t have to be a frustrating operation. At Socialo, we will assist you with the process. Here at Socialo,we have our professional designers and developers; we will smoothly redesign your existing website with all desired features.  If you think you are ready to head redesigning, let us help you get back to you in the digital business market!

Top 5 Factors to Consider while Choosing a Web Design Company

Thousands of web design companies are working in expertly designing web sites; for those looking to hire a web design company for the first time, the decision may be mind boggling.

The internet is a vast environment. Clients must work with an organization that understands your company goals and targets the actual audience, has the essential resources and know-how to execute.

As we know, the website is the online face of your business. You must need to ensure that users and future clients have the finest company experience available on your website as possible to prosper and convert. The article intends to assist company owners in choosing web design companies based on the factors they need to consider.

1.Custom Web Design

Here we have multiple web design companies that reduce consumption throughout the design process and come with templates instead of customized designs. This takes costs lower, but it still reduces design efficiency.

Socialohired graphic design professionals who can create eye-catching websites, attention-grabbing, and bring their company to the forefront. A custom design has the power to maximize conversions as it is eye-catchy, distinct, and unique to personalization and portraying actual business or services.

2. Function Behind the Beauty

attractive and unique web designs are essential for a website. Still, a pretty website that is not properly functional to customers is a waste of precious design effort, and it would not enable the company to grow. A platform with a basic and elegant layout would allow visitors to access their conversion web page quickly. A faster loading page frees up the user’s time and helps them interact with other website activities. A platform responsive to a range of platforms (different browsers) and screen sizes would ensure that the site is best suited to each user’s needs. These specifications are only three out of a long list that is essential in the design. When you are going to choose a web design company, you must ensure that they understand the website’s purpose behind the styling beauty.

3. User Anticipation

As each customer has specific needs, and the website should respond to all of their needs efficiently. The perfect blend of creative talents and computer technology expertise is important for designing a web that predicts just what consumers want to know. Web designers should think like an end-user and come up with good ideas for the user’s needs.

4. On the Back End

Now that we have addressed the value of building a team that can create aesthetics and functionality, it is time to overview at the back end. A poorly coded website will lead to bad SEO and long loading times. A less friendly CMS will turn content management a misery. Anything that the customers cannot see, anything that is going behind the curtains, will either boost or distract from the user experience. A web design team experienced in designing a custom website is an essential asset of the company (maybe a partner).

5. The People You collaborate with Matter, Too.

Due to the importance of strong communication skills, it is crucial to collaborate with people who will listen to you, answer questions or suggestions, and understand your organization’s core values. People who are the colleagues, closely over a minimum of 12 weeks. Professionals who are passionate about their role but not pushing. The staff has the knowledge, expertise, and creativity to craft a vision into reality. The Socialo  team aims to be your collaborator on your website and are genuinely dedicated to helping you build a website that you appreciate.

Important facts about your Brand Style Guideline.

A brand style guide represents a company or organization to the world and explicates what a brand looks. It is one of the most powerful tools in this digital era. It doesn’t matter on which platform you are promoting your brand or targeting the audience, a brand style assures that your brand looks the same and people can ascertain and communicate with you always in the same way.

Why should we concern about brand style?

Your customer recognizes you through your brand. It’s like your company’s personality. The main key to the brand style is consistency. It helps your business promote in a consistent manner, knocks down all contradiction and communicates in an accustomed way across all media. 

How to develop a great brand identity?  Things you should focus on.

Market Research & Target Audience 

Think simply! How your products solve problems of which types of people. Brainstorm your key ideas and perform deep market research. Targeting the correct audience will help you to realize how you will communicate with them through your brand and make you set up a powerful brand guideline.


Make a list of keywords that describe your brand best. What kind of services you are giving? What is your product? Clarify the vision of your brand about where you want your brand to reach after a particular time.  

Four Super Important components of a brand style guide

Brand Story

The first thing you should give priority is the story of your brand. A great brand story consists of three different elements such as – your mission and vision and the personality of your brand. Present your brand to your customer through an epitome which will give people an appropriate idea about your company and services. Remember this thing a great brand story can tie up a long term relationship with your customer.


A logo can speak to your clients as it is a powerful branding asset. Your brand style guide assures how your logo will look and what color should you use in different environments. It also makes sure your logo is scalable and appears proportionate from every angle, although you are using it on your business card or billboard.


Typography or selecting an appropriate font is a major part of any brand identity development. The best practice is trying out different kinds of fonts in your logo in several environments. While implementing typography in a brand style guide you should consider the following things:

  • Typeface
  • Alignment
  • Hierarchy

Like these another important thing is contrast. It makes text or logo interesting and can help you to integrate your idea and emphasize it. Play with different sizes, typeface, color combination, style, size, spacing, etc. Remember good typography is mandatory as you have to convey your messages through this. 


People love colorful things. Also, it depends on the mood and trend. So, a brand’s color palette should maintain the consistency as if people always feel the brand in a same way. You can choose fewer colors or expand the color palette. But you should blend the combination of the color of your logo and typography. It is not necessary that you have to go with the current trend; try out different things as per your audience and category of services.

Along with these four components you should also concern about the imagery and other visual elements while developing an awesome brand identity.

Boom! You are ready.

The brand style guideline is like a business strategy as it changes periodically. Alongside new thoughts, brand story or marketing strategy, it can be changed on your company’s need. So always prepare for the evolution for the betterment and growth of your brand identity.

If you want to create your startup you must give importance to the brand style guideline. On other hand if you are changing your marketing strategy or create a big impact you must give priority to the brand style guideline.